3M™ PPS™ Refillable Kit, 650 ml, 200 µm, 16743

Part Number 167433M ID UU003678925
  • Efficiently refill paint without removing cup and liner from gun
  • Comes with a 200 µ filter
  • For 125 µ process needs, please use the additional drop-in filter (extra)
  • Standard size (650 ml)
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Product Details
  • Efficiently refill paint without removing cup and liner from gun
  • Comes with a 200 µ filter
  • For 125 µ process needs, please use the additional drop-in filter (extra)
  • Standard size (650 ml)

Use 3M™ PPS™ Refillable Kit as a refillable version of 3M™ PPS™ Standard Kit to quickly and easily refill paint without removing cup and liner from gun.

With 3M™ PPS™ Refillable Kit, you get a refillable version of 3M™ PPS™ Standard Kit. Our kit allows you to quickly and easily refill paint without removing cup and liner from gun. It comes with a 200μ filter and contains lids and liners. Use our additional drop‐in filter, for 125μ process needs.

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